.:: Harouni Stone co - Casper granite ::.
Harouni Stone co
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Casper granite

Casper granite
Group : Griante

Casper stone is one of the most luxurious granite stones available in the market, which is often produced as slabs in various thicknesses. Granite rocks are classified as internal igneous rocks and have a coarse grain or medium grain texture in their structure. With a glance at this type of stone, we notice its hardness and more uniform texture compared to limestone.
On the other hand, Casper granite has a high resistance due to the pressure during its formation and does not easily get damaged or scratched. Casper granite is extracted from Natanz granite mines in Isfahan province and sent to the market.
The main characteristics of Casper stone include its strength, high resistance to pressure and wear, resistance to stains and scratches, and the ability to create bookmatch and formmatch frames.
The background of the Casper granite slab is charcoal and dark, and halos and streaks similar to spider webs can be seen in its plates.
Because these stones are domestic, they have a very reasonable price compared to similar imported and foreign stones, and their use is much more affordable, which is why they have been so popular.
There are many uses of this stone in construction. For example, Casper granite is used in the interior and exterior of the building, interior walls, restaurant floors, counters of luxury shopping centers, bathrooms and toilets, swimming pools, roof gardens, kitchens, on cabinets, etc., and creates a very beautiful and eye-catching combination. .
In many cases, people also use this stone for tombstones. The price of this stone is also similar to other granite stones based on variable components. For example, the size of the surface and surface of the stone, production and transportation costs, including the cost of extraction, processing and transportation, the absence of moles and streaks on the surface of the stone, the type of stone, etc. vary.
The use of Casper granite gives a magnificent and beautiful effect to the interior and exterior of the building and attracts many people.

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